Write a letter to the Editor of the Hindu about a vulgar film. Point out the possible dangers of such films on the immature minds. Also suggeat what action is desirable.
236, Ritu Vihar
Kanpur U.P
11th January 2019
The Editor
The Hindu
New Delhi
Subject:- Dangers of vulgar films on immature minds.
May I use the Letters column of your esteemed newspaper to draw the attention of the people at large and the civic authorities to the vulgar film being screenned at the XYZ taklies. It is a motion picture titled "Pyar Karna Koi Gunah Nahin".
It is full of double meaning meaning sexy and silly jokes. Illicit relations and obscene are displayed all through the film. Hall naked or scantily clad young girls are shown dancing into every second frame. The Indian culture is shamelessly distorted in it. The wirst type of vulgarity is displyed in it. It is a wonder how this nasty and degenerating film got an O.K. from the censor board.
I am afraid, this film would cause a dangerous effect on the minds and morals of the immature minds. In plain words this film will corrupt the young brains and the national character.
It is high time the authorities banned this pornographic film to save the sbotage of our cultural traditions.
Yours faithfully