Application to the Principal for Fee Studentship (full fee concession)

The Principal
XYZ School
Your State

Subject:- Request for Grant free Studentship

        Most humbly, I beg to state that I am a Student of 12th class of your school. My Father is doing private job. He holds the post of Salesman. He barely earns Rs 10000 per month. We are three brother and three sisters. We are all school going student. My mother is a T.B patient a great part of father's salary is spent on her treatment.
                 You can easily imagine how difficult it is for him to make both ends meet. Therefore, He is not in a position to pay my school fees. I am a top class sportsman as the captain of the hockey team. I have won many cups and trophies for schools. And I have also won first prize in recitation contest of sanskrit sloakes. I am an above average student in studies.
My father has shown unability to spend any money on my studies. Therefore, I request you to grant me full fee concessionub.     so that I may continue my studies without any hindrance.
        I may assure you that I shall put in hard labour to deserve this favour.

Thanking you

Yours Obediently

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