Important to Know What to do and What not to do During Periods

Important to Know What to do and What not to do During Periods

Important to Know What to do and What not to do During Periods
Important to Know What to do and What not to do During PeriodsAdd caption


Most women experience pain, irritability and weakness during periods. At the same time women often have pain in their back, pelvis or back before getting periods, which is natural. But, to get rid of it, girls use medicines but for this you can also adopt the right household. Today we will tell you what women should do during periods and what not?


During this time drink warm water instead of cold. Drink 1-2 cups of tea or milk throughout the day and drink more hot things.

Flour pudding

Eat jaggery in flour pudding. This will clean the stomach well.

Hot bath

Use hot water for bathing. Also, while taking a shower, pour 1 mug of hot water on the Abdomen.

Avoid fried

Avoid spicy, fried and junk foods, too sweet, red meat, pickles or sour things. This will not only cause you more pain, but such food can spoil the level of estrogen hormone.

Aloe Vera Juice

Drinking 1 teaspoon honey and water in aloe vera juice will give relief from pain, weakness and excess bleeding in periods.

Decoction of Basil

Boil 7-8 basil leaves in water, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Drink this water 2 times a day. This will also provide relief from pain, swings, headaches caused by periods.

Fry with hot Water

If you have stomach pain, keep a bottle of hot water or bag on the lower part of the abdomen or on the painful area. This brings out dirt and stalled blood and provides immediate relief from pain.

Not Avoiding Exercise

Girls often refrain from exercising during this time when they should not. You should keep doing light exercise.

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