Complaint Letter :- Write a Letter of Complaint with Ordered Goods not Reaching on Time

Write a Letter of Complaint with Ordered Goods not Reaching on Time

Write a Letter of Complaint with Ordered Goods not Reaching on Time
Write a Letter of Complaint with Ordered Goods not Reaching on Time

Dear Sirs,

Reference to our order no. 2563248 of dated 20.05.2020 for mobile phone . Which has not been received by us till date. We had very much pressed for an urgent delivery as an export order is pending with us but it seems our many requests have had no influence on your tardy working. 

We shall be glad to know when we may expect delivery. This delay on your part is causing us considerable embarrassment. Please intimate us on the phone the status of your delivery schedule as soon as you receive this letter. We may be forced to cancel the order and buy the required cloth from the local market if you fail to reply and cause any more delay.

It is now up to you to salvage our belied expectations.

Thank You

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