Write a Letter of Application for the Post of a Stenographer

Write a Letter of Application for the Post of a Stenographer 

Application for the Post of a Stenographer 

387 Malviya Nagar
Jaipur Rajasthan

M/s Top Publishers
Nai Sadak

Dear Sir

Subject :- Application for the Post of a Stenographer

in response to your advertisement in yesterday's Times of India for the post of stenographer laying vacant in your book publishing house. I am here by sending my Application for the same.

         I did my B.Com from Rajasthan University in 1996. Securing first Division and distinction in Accountancy. I also have hold a diploma in Stenography from I.I.T Jaipur under the directorate of Training and Technical Education Rajasthan. I passed this diploma in 1998. My speed at typing and shorthand are 40 and 100 words per minute respectively.

       I am competent to hold the independent charges of correspondence and records. I have three years experience as  stenographer in a book publishing firm. My present employers are full satisfied with me with my work and conduct but I would like to serve in Delhi to get better scale. I am a young man of 28 years with a capacity of work. If selected I would Satisfy My Superior and colleagues with my work.

        Kindly give me the opportunity to show you my vote and merit. I would take a fortnight's time to join this new post if I am selected.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

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