Write a letter to your friend in England describing some of your achievements in your school.
Place.. ..
Date ......
My dear Sheema,
Thank you for your letter date ............I was pleased to know that you have got an A grade in all the subjects except one - Latin.
Never mind, you would get an A grade in the next examination. Best of luck. How is life in England? I hope you would be very busy even in the bitter cold of Europe.
Examinations are on my head too. I am working hard to do extremely well in ensuing examinations, which start from The results of September examinations were declared on I stood at the second place, next only to my friend, Sumit Tandon. But I shall overcome his challenge in the annual examinations.
Despite my busy schedule, I took part in the Inter-School Cricket Championship (North). This event was organised from ........ to ....I was the captain of my school team. And, you can guess, we won the trophy! We celebrated for at least three days at a stretch. Now, I have settled down at my study desk, as examinations are near.
I also won the declamation contest. My topic was "European History and the Vikings." I was well versed on the topic, thanks to your E-mail messages, which bad provided me with useful data and facts. Rest is OK. I have many miles to go before I sleep. Please give my regards to your classmates and roommates. Bye for now.
Yours sincere friend,
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